I feel like Iʻve been doing a lot of resolution posts lately. Because I have. In case you missed it, I talked about my personal 2016 resolutions here and my 2016 mommy resolutions here. And this post is all about my bookish resolutions for 2016.
Iʻm linking up with the Broke and Bookish for Top Ten Tuesday (the first of the new year, woo!).
Top 10 Bookish Resolutions for 2016
1. Complete my Reading Challenges. I signed up for a few reading challenges this year and Iʻm super excited to dig into them...and to complete them. Other then the Goodreads challenge, Iʻve never done a reading challenge before. But Iʻve completed the Goodreads challenge every year since I began signing up for it, so I have high hopes for the rest of the challenges. Here are the challenges that Iʻm signed up for.
2. Add variety to my reading list. I definitely have a type...when it comes to reading, at least. Over the past few years, the majority of the books Iʻve read have been modern YA contemporaries. I do love modern YA contemporaries, but I also enjoy other types of books, too--and that kinda got lost in translation over the past few years. So Iʻm gonna open up my mind and step out of my comfort zones with my reading.
3. Make a dent in my TBR list. My TBR list is seriously long. I am planning on making a serious dent in it.
4. Read books that I actually have. Most of the books on my TBR are already on my bookshelf. Iʻve collected a whole bunch of books over the year that Iʻve never actually read. Might as well kill two birds with one stone and read through my bookshelf while knocking out my TBR.
5. Spend less on books. A lot of those books on my shelf that Iʻve never read, I spent LOTS of money on. It is such a huge waste to leave them unread. I want to save some money by borrowing more books from the library. Especially now that I discovered borrowing ebooks online through my library. I need to save $$$ anyway...my best friend is getting married this year--I need to get going.
6. Actually REVIEW books. I am super good at giving books star ratings on goodreads, but I am not very good at actually reviewing them. This year, Iʻm going to do written reviews in a notebook that I have set aside specifically for reviewing. I also want to do more reviewing on the blog, so stay tuned for that in 2016.
7. Read more with Josh. One of Joshʻs new years resolutions is to read more books...or just to read books in general, he doesnʻt read much.I want to help with his goal by reading more books with him. I think weʻre gonna start with Harry Potter.
8. Join a book club. This one is pretty self-explanatory.
9. Read with Honey every day. At 5 months old, my kid is already a pro at turning the pages in her books. Of course, we only give her board books because she has the tendency to put puts into her mouth, but Iʻm loving all of this. Iʻm definitely raising a reader. Iʻve been slacking off on reading to her every day since we had to put her books away to redesign our library room, but now that itʻs nearly done (post on that coming soon), we can get back into our groove, hopefully.
10. Stop staying up all night just to finish ʻthe next chapterʻ (aka the whole book). I think most of us have the habit of staying up way too late into the night (or early morning) when it comes to reading a super interesting book. Letʻs be real here, reading just ʻthe next chapterʻ is a lie. Unfortunately, that lifestyle does not blend well anymore with my current lifestyle AKA having an infant. Iʻm instituting a books-down, devices-off policy in our house.
So those are my book resolutions for 2016. Iʻm counting on all of you to keep me honest. What are your 2016 bookish resolutions?
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