Resolving... to do more creative things. To be the best mommy I can be to Honey. And to finally make a dent in my TBR list. You can check out more of my personal, mommy, and bookish resolutions here, here, and here.
Reading... The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer. Itʻs definitely an interesting book, but Iʻm not even halfway through it yet. Book review coming soon!
Organizing... our cute (and new) little Library room. We decided to move Honeyʻs crib from what was supposed to be her room into our room (because it gives Momma some peace of mind...Iʻm just not ready for her to have her own room yet and sheʻs slept in our room since she was born anyway), so now her room is a little library with all of her and my books, plus daddyʻs gaming systems. Itʻs turning into a cute little reading room and Iʻm so excited for it to be done and ready for proper use.
Loving... how much my little monkey is exploring. She loves to touch every thing (which can be stressful, but eh). She loves looking at pictures and listening to music. This age is stressful because sheʻs so fussy (going through a developmental leap currently), but itʻs so much fun! I love watching her grow.
Craving... sweets, and lots of it. I want to make brownies and buckeye balls and cake and no-bake cookies and peanut butter cookies just to horde it all for myself! The struggle is real.
No matter how many books I read, I never seem to make a dent in the list - just too many good ones out there! And all those sweets DO sound good... Thanks for linking up!