with Bookish Lifestyle
A simple reading challenge to help conquer that ever growing TBR list. This is a pretty easy challenge--it runs from January 1 through December 31, 2016. Anyone can enter as long as you review the book on your blog, goodreads account or amazon/barnes & noble accounts. All genres, lengths, and formats are welcome, but they have to be from 2015 or earlier--no 2016 ARCs or releases.
How many books do you plan on reading?
1-10 A Firm Handshake
11-20 A Friendly Hug
21-30 First Kiss
31-40 Sweet Summer Fling
41-50 Could This Be Love?
50+ Married with Children
My goal is 21-30...First Kiss!
Currently at 14 books!
Currently at 14 books!
with Girlxoxo
This challenge looks like such fun! Each month will have a different motif or theme and the challenge is to read a book that fits the motif.
January-Who Dunnit?
February-New Releases
March-Take a Trip
April-Best of the Best
May-Story of Survival
June-Girlxoxo Recommends
August-Genre Jumble
September-Steampunk, Science Fiction, and Fantasy
September-Steampunk, Science Fiction, and Fantasy
October-Things That Go Bump in the Night
November-Fiction Takes a Break
December-Thatʻs a Wrap
with Book Date
Runs from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2016. Complete the challenge card (I posted it below) in any order. One free exchange is allowed if there is a square that you dislike.
Reading Bingo
with Novel Heartbeat
Enjoy all your challenges and thanks for signing up for the Full House one.