Saturday, March 12, 2016

Take Control of Your TBR Pile Readathon

Happy Saturday, amazing people! the 12th kinda snuck up on me and I almost completely forgot about the 24 Hour Take Control of Your TBR Pile Readathon hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer in conjunction with her March Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge.

But I didnʻt forget so hah! 

Guys....I did not complete a single book this week and I feel so bleh about it. Salt to the Sea gave me a serious book hangover and itʻs taking me a loooong  time to recover. Iʻm hoping that this Readathon will help a little.

Here are my reads for the Readathon (all of which Iʻm currently reading)


You can follow along with my progress & other participantʻs progress on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #TakeControlThon. The links to my Twitter & Instagram are in the sidebar...follow along, cheer me own, help me reach that finish line!

Good luck to all the participants!

Are you participating in the Take  Control TBR Readathon? What book/s are you reading this weekend?