Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Get Up Offa That Slump: A Blogging Extravaganza

Iʻve been in a bit of a blogging slump. Other than my weekly meme posts like Bookish & Not-So Bookish Thoughts and Top 10 Tuesday, Iʻve been struggling to come up with meaningful content around here. Add to the fact that Iʻm just too lazy sometimes to write blog posts on a whim annnd here we are.

Thankfully, Rachel over at Beauty and the Bookshelf has come up with a way to get rid of that blogging slump! I am pretty excited to be participating with her and a few other awesome bloggers to try to get out of this.

What? Get Up Offa That Slump: A Blogging Extravaganza is a blogging "challenge" of sorts. There's really only one goal: to just post something. And the idea isn't for this to be some outline and pattern of memes and reviews and that's it. It's to show you all the things (just a few of the things) you can post on your blog and still keep it bookish. (Because we're all here for books, right?) And, in short, the focus is on having fun, because if we're not having fun blogging feels like a job or homework and, well, that's no fun, right?

This explosion of blogging will last three weeks (more on the actual scheduling is below). Each day (aside from two) will two posting options, and I'll also be posting each day, along with a Linky so we can all share and roll around in the fun. Feel free to use the banner, but please also link back to this post so people can see what this is all about and join in if they want to. Also: #bloggerextravaganza, if you fancy hashtags.

Who? YOU. ANYONE. It's doesn't matter where you blog or how often you blog or how long you've been blogging. This is for everyone. This is for you.

Where? On your blog! It can be a Blogger blog or a WordPress blog, Instagram, Tumblr, or YouTube. It's all blogging.

When? Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday beginning Wednesday, March 9 and ending Wednesday, March 30.

Why? I don't know about everyone else, but sometimes I think I get stuck with blogging. I never stick to my schedule: review on Monday, Top Ten Tuesday on Tuesday, Waiting on Wednesday on Wednesday, a review on Thursday, then whatever else there is, which is never much. The thing is that it gets monotonous and repetitive. But blogging doesn't have to be uniform and it does't have to be just reviews and memes. I've always wanted my blog to be more original with its content and I feel like it's just kind of blah and does little to standout.

I don't always really feel like a blogger; I feel like it's work, and that sucks the fun out of everything. I struggle a bit to get posts up, but I don't want to quit blogging. I've talked a little with some friends and I've seen things around Twitter, and I think a lot of us are in a blogging slump right now. Then this idea popped into my head--this Blogging Extravaganza--and a lot of people said they wanted to do it! It got me really excited, and, well, the rest isn't history, but there is this post.

Get Up Offa That Slump: A Blogging Extravaganza isn't just to help bloggers get back into posting. It's to help inspire and rejuvenate imagination, drink some of that creative juice, and make book blogging more. It's about making blogging less like a job or schoolwork and making it fun again and reminding us why we started doing this in the first place. And we're doing this together because we're a community and I think it's much more fun if we do this shindig together. (*Cue High School Musical song and dance here.*)


You can check out Rachelʻs blogging schedule for this extravaganza here. Iʻll be following along loosely starting tomorrow! 

Honestly, I still donʻt know where I want this blog to go. Do I want to be a mommy blogger? Or do I want to be a book blogger? Right now, Iʻm trying to do both but it can be difficult to find the right balance of the two. I hope that giving this a try will help me figure it all out! Or at least some of it.

Anyway...this post is already like 8 hours late! Swing by tomorrow for some getting to know me shenanigans.