Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Interview With a Tasia

Itʻ time for the very first challenge of the Get Up Offa That Slump blogging extravaganza. Side note: does anyone else just love that word ʻextravaganzaʻ? I also like the word extraordinary. Thereʻs just something extra about those words...but I digress (also bad joke, haha). Anyway, before I figure out a way to get more mom jokes in here, Iʻmma get on with this interview thing.

Hi. Whatʻs your name?
     Oh hi. My nameʻs Tasia.

No itʻs not.
     Ugh. FINE. Tasia is a nickname but for privacy reasons I wonʻt share my full name here. Also, most everyone I know calls me Tasia, so yeah. Really, only my family members use my full name....and even thatʻs rare.

So people of the blogosphere are dying to know-HOW do you pronounce your name?
     Itʻs Asia with a T, so Tay-sha. Although people call me Tasha and Tah-si-ah all the time and Iʻll answer. old are you?
     Donʻt you know that youʻre never supposed to ask a lady her age? Geez...who taught you manners? Just kidding! Iʻm 25 26.

Tell us about your home sweet home.
      I am from a small town in Hawaii. I was born and raised here, as in I live in the same house that I came home to from the hospital after I was born. Also, I consider Disney World home so that works too I guess.

Youʻre a Disney Person?
     YES I AM A DISNEY PERSON! I worked at Disney World for a while. I go to Aulani at least once a quarter. My family goes on Disney vacations every year. I am a Disney person through and through.

Alright, alright. Calm down! Tell me about your family.
     I have a mom and dad who live out of state with my two brothers (21 and 11). I also have a sister (22), a brother-in-law, and two nieces who live near me. I live with my grandma, my fiance, and my daughter who goes by Honey here on the blog. Sheʻs 7.5 months old. I also have aunties and uncles and cousins whom I love and am close to.

And youʻre a reader, huh?
     That is probably the understatement of the century, but yes I am a reader. Always have been, always will be!

What are your favorite things/genres to read?
     I am a huge fan of Y.A. anything although I tend to lean toward Historical Fiction and Contemporary. I also love a good thriller or mystery, although I have to read those books during the day because my imagination tends to get out of control. Iʻll pretty much give any type of book a try!

Cool! Other than reading, what do you like to do in your spare time?
     I like to write, journal, knit, crochet, paint, color, sew, and craft. I love creating things! I also like re-organizing my shelves and Honeyʻs shelves (nerd much). I like to bake and I love eating, haha! I also enjoy doing makeup from time to time. Oh...and I like shopping...but mostly at Target!

Ready for a Rapid Fire round?


Favorite Color:
Favorite Food: ....Chinese food! Or Hawaiian food! It depends on my mood :D
Favorite Book: How to Love by Katie Cotugno
Favorite Series: The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling...I know, I know...but I grew up with the series. 
Favorite Book Character:
Favorite Disney Character: Overall, itʻs Tinker Bell. My favorite princesses are Rapunzel and Belle. My favorite prince is Flynn Rider. My favorite Fab 5 characters are Minnie Mouse and Daisy. My favorite Disney Pixar character is Frozone. My favorite alien is Stitch (he gets his own category). 

3 Bookish Facts About You:
1. I never go anywhere without a book. This has been true about me since I was a child. Itʻs much easier now that e-books and reading apps are a thing, but Iʻll lug a hardcover around if it comes down to it.
2. I am a hardcore mood reader. I canʻt do planned monthly TBR lists because of it. Iʻve tried, but when I pick up the book I planned on reading I tend to not be into I just donʻt plan at all and I pick books as I go along. Unless Iʻm reading a series, in which case I will more than likely pick up the next book in the series, but not always.
3. When I was a kid and my grandparents would take me with them to run errands, they would drop me off at Borders and leave me there while they did what they had to do. Obviously this was a different time when you trusted leaving your kids alone, plus Borders was a safe place where we knew the workers and what not. But I would just browse the shelves and sit in the kids section & read until they came back to get me! #RIPBorders 

3 Random Facts About You:
1. I speak Hawaiian fluently. Short of giving yʻall a history lesson, letʻs just say that the Hawaiian language (native language of Hawaii) almost died and even now itʻs rare to hear people speaking Hawaiian conversationally. I embrace the language as a very important part of my culture.
2. Right now, Iʻm a stay-at-home mom, but Iʻm a pre-school teacher by trade! I quit my job to stay home with my daughter, but I do miss my job and my students every single day. Next to being a mom, being a teacher is the most rewarding (and the hardest) job Iʻve ever done.
3. I like playing video games, but I am far from being a gamer girl! My favorites are The Sims franchise, the Pokemon franchise, and the Cooking Mama franchise. I mosly like RPGs and simulation games. 

Where else can we find you on the interwebs?
     Instagram: @lali.mama
     Twitter: @taysherrrx
     Pinterest: HERE
     Bloglovin: HERE
     Goodreads: HERE

Well...that was fun! Thanks for letting us get to know you!
     It was fun! I canʻt wait to get to know you all, too!