Monday, March 7, 2016

Haircut time + Pinterest Inspiration

As we speak, thereʻs a 95% chance that Iʻll be getting my haircut. Thereʻs also a 5% chance that Iʻll be running from the salon screaming because itʻs been nearly 2 years (Yep. You read that right) since I got it cut. My hair is seriously long and Iʻm looking to cut it pretty seriously short. So I am a bit nervous.

This was my hair length back in September--Iʻm sure itʻs a bit longer now!

The salon Iʻm going to is new-to-me, but itʻs got great reviews on fingers crossed for a good cut! Iʻve been looking at haircut inspiration on Pinterest for a very long time--here are a few of the ones I have saved to show my stylist!

Iʻve had shorter hair before, but itʻs been a long time since my hair has been shorter than mid back! Nervous? You bet I am! Wish me luck?