Monday, February 22, 2016

Five Books I Enjoyed Recently That Were Out of My Comfort Zone

Woooow that is a mouthful! Happy Tuesday, people! Iʻm linking up with The Broke and the Bookish today for Top 10 Tuesday.

Ten FIVE Books I Enjoyed That Were Out of My Comfort Zone

1. Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin - I donʻt read a lot of historical fiction. I did when I was younger, but in recent years I simply havenʻt enjoyed the historical fiction books that I have read, but now Iʻm beginning to think that I just havenʻt been reading the right ones. I absolutely loved Wolf by Wolf. It was exciting and interesting enough to suck me right in...and it still hasnʻt released me from itʻs grips. Itʻs the one book Iʻve read this year that I just cannot stop thinking about!

2. The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma - I tend not to read a lot of paranormal fiction either because I have an overactive imagination and my brain turns whatever Iʻm reading into dreams, which means that Iʻll end up having scary dreams when I read paranormal stuff. I went into this knowing what the book was about (and read it only in the day time, haha) and I thought it was great! The writing has a lot to do with why I enjoyed it--it was just a gorgeous novel.

3. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff - Outer space sci-fi books are a hit or miss for me. I either enjoy it (like the Alienated series by Melissa Landers) or they end up on my DNF list. I pre-ordered this one because of 1) all the hype, 2) the gorgeous cover, and 3) the format. I am so glad that I did because I ended up loving this book so much. I canʻt wait for Gemina later this year!

4. Maternity Leave by Julie Halpern - I recently started reading more Adult Fiction and I think that this book was my ʻgatewayʻ book. I read it shortly after giving birth to my daughter thanks to a review in Parentʻs Magazine and I ended up enjoying it quite a bit...mostly because it was a book that I could relate to. And thatʻs when I realized that I was getting old :P 

5. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda - This book wasnʻt out of my comfort zone per say but, prior to reading this, I did not read a lot of LGBT books simply because there werenʻt a lot available or because I wasnʻt interested in the plot. Last year, I decided to actively add more diverse books to my reading repertoire and I really enjoyed it.

I could only think of five (and even that is probably stretching it) books that were out of my comfort zone which I enjoyed. I enjoy a variety of genres and pretty much will give anything a try. 

What are some books youʻve read recently that you were surprised to enjoy?