Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bookish & Not-So-Bookish Thoughts

Itʻs that time of the week again! As usual, Iʻm linking up with Christine over at Bookishly Boisterous.

01. Remember last week when I tried really, really hard to keep the baby sanitized so she wouldnʻt get sick? Well.....she got sick. Sheʻs got a nasty cough and I feel so bad for her. :( I hate hearing her cough!

02. I had my yearly physical this Monday and, thankfully, everything checked out! I was not pleased about doing blood work but Iʻm glad that everything came back normal. Other than the bit of baby fat that Iʻve kept on since delivering the kid, Iʻm good!

03. Whoever said you lose all your baby weight when youʻre breast feeding LIED. At least my weight has been steady since delivery.

04. I wanted to start doing Momma and Baby yoga this week but since Honey is sick, itʻs currently just Momma yoga.

05. That is an updated #shelfie of Honeyʻs book shelves! Of course, sheʻs got books scattered throughout the house but those are the ones that I was able to gather up and put back today. Normally, those books are scattered all over the place but since I was cleaning, I had to snap a pic! Iʻve been collecting books for her since well before she was born or even thought of...and she gets a new book every other week or so. I love her book collection! I probably wonʻt love packing it all up when itʻs time to GTFO of here.

06. I am currently reading two books--The Trouble With Destiny by Lauren Morrill (physical copy) and Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray (ebook). I normally have the hardest time reading 2 (or more) books at once, but hey a mommaʻs gotta do what a mommaʻs gotta do!

07. I just realized that I borrowed the large print copy of Station Eleven from the library and now Iʻm not sure if I want to read it in that format or not. Iʻm kinda afraid that the larger print will somehow throw me off...IDK?!

08. Today, we decided to sign up for the Day Zero Project as a family! I did it before...back when I was single (and young) and I really enjoyed it! Iʻm super excited to do one as a family. Check out our current list here--we donʻt have 101 goals yet cause weʻre still deciding on ʻem but weʻre almost there!

09. I love this article about breastfed babies and weight gain. My little one is considered below average for her age range, but she is consistent in her growth which we are all (including her doctor) happy about. Since sheʻs a bit tall compared to her weight she looks skinnier and people often comment on if sheʻs getting enough to eat. SO ANNOYING! Adults come in different shapes and sizes, why should we expect differently from babies?!

10. Tonight, I made the most delicious crock-pot chicken and rice (no humble brag here...just a regular one, haha). And I didnʻt even use a particular recipe! Iʻm pretty proud of myself cause I tend to stick to the recipe quite a bit but what I was going to make originally didnʻt work out. So I used what I had and made something great! Iʻll share the recipe sometime soon!

QOTW: What was your favorite book to read as a child? If you have children, what is your favorite book to read with your kids? Iʻm always looking for recs to add to my daughterʻs shelf!