Even though February is the shortest month of the year (and we got an extra day this time around!), Iʻm having a hard time believing that itʻs already over! I mean...what?! I think I may be getting old because time just seems to be flying by faster and faster...
01. So many of my most anticipated 2015 reads were released this month! That meant that me=broke! Haha. Ah well...at least Iʻll have a lot of reading material to get through next month!
02. I participated in a few happenings this month--the Love for Books Readathon (February ) and the Love-A-Thon (February ). It was a blast! I enjoyed getting to know my fellow bloggers and found some pretty great blogs that I am excited to keep up with.
03. This month was all about spending time with people that we love! We had lots of visitors this month and we loved it. My best friend was visiting Hawaii and was able to stop over to visit us for a day--it was definitely nice to spend time with her and I canʻt wait to see her in September for her wedding! My aunty and cousin also came to visit from the mainland. They were only here for a week but it was nice to spend some time with them. I canʻt wait to see them again later this year as well!
04. We (and I mean ALL of us) caught a pretty bad cold toward the end of the month :/. Honey is still on antibiotics for the darn ear infection that it caused. I hate being sick, but I hate when sheʻs sick even more! Thankfully, it was just a cold and a slight ear infection & weʻre all on the road to recovery!
7 months || 16 lbs
Little Miss made 7 months on February 22 and I cannot believe how big sheʻs getting & how much sheʻs growing every single day. She weighs 16 pounds, but Iʻm not sure how long she is. This month, Honey grew in leaps and bounds. She is now able to pull herself up when sheʻs holding on to something and she just learned how to sit up from a lying position. She is mobile but she doesnʻt like to crawl so she just scoots her body from place to place. She tried fruits for the first time this month. She loves bananas but strawberries are much too sweet for her. She also tried some meat...sheʻs not a fan. Her favorite food is still poi! She loves touching and getting in to everything! Sheʻs been a bit of a clinger to momma lately, but I donʻt mind! She loves Doc McStuffins--thatʻs the only way we get her to sit in her car seat!
I canʻt wait to see how she grows this month!
I feel like I bought ALL THE BOOKS this month. Probably because I did. Also, thatʻs why Iʻm officially on a self-imposed book buying ban for the forseeable future...hah. These are also basically the books that Iʻll be reading for the Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge in March! Challenge ACCEPTED.
Physical Copies:
Zero Day by Jan Gangsei (received in My Book Box, a subscription box)
(links to my review on Goodreads)
Nanny Returns by Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus
Immaculate by Katelyn Detweiler
Nil Unlocked by Lynne Matson
Stars Above by Marissa Meyer
The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray
This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp
Check out all of my challenges in more detail here.
2016 TBR Pile Reading Challenge
Goal: 21-30 books
Currently at 17 books!
Monthly Motif Reading Challenge
This monthʻs motif: NEW-Read a book released in the last year.
The book I read & linked up was The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh.
Full House Reading Challenge
Here are the squares I filled up this month:
By Author You Wish Was Known Better: Nil Unlocked by Lynne Matson
Library Book: The Emperor of Any Place by Tim Wynne-Jones
Reading BINGO
Here are the squares I filled up this month:
A Book With a One-Word Title: Immaculate by Katelyn Detweiler
MARCH is going to be such a fun month! Here are a few of the happenings around here:
- Girlʻs Day! (March 3) Otherwise known as Hinamatsuri, Girlʻs Day is a Japanese holiday in which special dolls that represent Japanese emperors and empresses and their court are displayed. Itʻs a special day in which parents are able to honor their little girls as well! Special snacks (strawberry mochi) and drinks are prepared on this day and little girls receive special gifts from their family members. Since Japanese culture is a big part of Hawaiiʻs local culture, we enjoy celebrating the holiday here!
- Easter! I am so excited for Easter this year. Not only do we get to observe the resurrection of Christ, but this is my first year with a baby which means Easter baskets! I am already in full prep mode of Easter baskets for Honey and my two nieces. But of course, we canʻt forget the true meaning of Easter and I canʻt wait to read Honey the story of Christʻs sacrifice and resurrection for all of us.
- Joshʻs Birthday! Josh is turning 22 on March 27. We currently have zero plans, but Iʻm hoping that weʻll be able to have a one-on-one date night...you know, if the kid will let us go, haha. We havenʻt had a real date night since before she was born & I know heʻs really been craving some quality time, so it would be nice to do something together just the two of us.
And thatʻs pretty much it for us! Tell me about your February--what was your favorite moment and your favorite read this month? See yʻall in March!