Author: Marissa Meyer
Publication: February 2016, Feiwel & Friends
Links: Amazon -- Barnes & Noble -- Goodreads
Rating: 4.5/5
Review: Stars Above is a bind up of novellas that take place in the Lunar Chronicles universe. There are 9 novellas in this bind up, 5 of which are brand new! Overall I loved this bind up! We get to see a little slice of each of our beloved characterʻs lives-both before the events in the primiary Lunar Chronicles books and after. Thereʻs also a cute little retelling of the Little Mermaid called The Little Android. Of course, my favorite novella was Something Old, Something New in which the wedding of the century takes place! ALL THE FEELS! Check out my full review for individual ratings for each novella.
Title: A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird #1)
Author: Claudia Gray
Publication: 2014, Harper Teen
Links: Amazon -- Barnes & Noble -- Goodreads
Rating: 3/5
Review: Marguerite is the daughter of scientists who create the technology that allows people to jump between dimensions called the Firebird. But when her father is murdered and his killer escapes to a different dimension using a Firebird, her main concern is catching him and avenging her father. As Marguerite travels through different dimensions she realizes that she might have been wrong about him after all. There are so many things that I liked about this book and so many things that I disliked. The premise is so interesting--I love the idea of being able to travel through multiple dimensions and living multiple lives as the same person. I didnʻt like the characters very much, though. Unfortunately they were a bit one-dimensional and shallow which was so disappointing. The world building was so great, but I felt that the character development fell short. I also thought that the love story was super cute, but I wasnʻt a fan of the love triangle--it seemed unnecessary to me. Overall I felt like this was a quick and cute read. See my full review here.
Title: This Is Where It Ends
Author: Marieke Nijkamp
Publication: 2016, Sourcebooks Fire
Links: Amazon -- Barnes & Noble -- Goodreads
Rating: 2.5/5
Review: Opportunity High School is your typical American high school until an act of violence shakes it to a core. Told in four differing view points, This Is Where It Ends gives readers a glimpse into the terrifying 54 minutes of a school shooting. This was probably one of the most hyped books early this year so, naturally, I had high expectations for this book. Unfortunately, this book ended up falling short for me. I did enjoy the diversity of characters in this book-there were LGBT characters, colored characters, and disabled characters. I really loved the premise of the book, it really did have so much potential but I was disappointed with how it was executed. There were also times when the book was just plain boring. I really wish that I had enjoyed this book more because I feel like this is such an important topic. See my full review here.
Title: Ten Thousand Skies Above You (Firebird #2)
Author: Claudia Gray
Publication: 2015, Harper Teen
Links: Amazon -- Barnes & Noble -- Goodreads
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Review: Ten Thousand Skies Above You picks up shortly after the end of A Thousand Pieces of You. Now that Marguerite has saved her family, sheʻs sure that sheʻs in the clear--until Theo gets sick and the cure can only be found in another dimension.When Paulʻs soul is splintered (split into multiple pieces) while he is trying to obtain the cure, Marguerite knows that she has to work with her enemies if she intends to save her friends. I liked this book a little more than I liked the first book. As far as sequels go, this was great! It definitely added so much to the story and made me excited for whatʻs to come. There was definitely no sophomore slump here. My favorite thing about these books is definitely the plot twists. The author is great at plot twists that make me say WTF?! This book ends with a cliffhanger and basically I need the next book ASAP. Unfortunately, I am still not a fan of the characters, especially the MC, Marguerite. It is really hard to enjoy a book when I am not a fan of the characters. This was another quick and fun read and a solid sequel. See my full review here.