Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bookish & Not So Bookish Thoughts.

1. The past two days have been a doooooozie (extra os for emphasis). On Monday night, I was hit with a huge migraine, itʻs been ages since my last migraine, that pretty much kept me down for the count through Tuesday. And on Tuesday night, my throat started hurting and quickly after that all the usual cold symptoms started attacking. I hate being sick.

2. Thankfully, Josh stayed home these past two days to help take care of Honey and to force me to rest even though the busy body Mama in me wants to keep pushing through and getting stuff done. He reminded me that if I donʻt want the baby to get sick then I have to focus on getting better. Today, I stayed in bed (or in a warm bath) while he took care of the kid, the house, and me. Four for you, Josh Coco!

3. Being a sick momma still means nursing the baby, playing with the baby (because she doesnʻt want to go to her daddy), making sure the baby naps, and keeping the baby clean. And also trying really hard not to dump full bottles of hand sanitizer on her to try to keep her from getting this bug.

4. Also, did I mention that Josh has also had a cold the past few days, too? And yet his main priority is making sure that weʻre ok...Go Daddy! We love him!

5. Ok, ok...enough sick talk. Being in bed has allowed me ample time to get my read on. Iʻm currently reading The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh. This is my second time attempting to read it and Iʻm enjoying it much more this time around...I think the last time I tried, life just got too was literally the week before I gave birth and I didnʻt have the energy to focus on the book.

6. I am also reading A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray on my Nook, normally at night before I fall asleep. I am also really enjoying this one! Multiple dimensions! And history! And romance! And mystery! So fun.

7. I bought this Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Journal and now I kinda want one for myself, haha. I loooooved guided journals as a kid...heck, I even enjoy them as an adult! Yʻall wouldnʻt judge me if I bought one for myself, right? :P

8. Iʻm 99% sure that I will be participating in the March Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge hosted by Kimberly over at Caffeinated Book Reviewer next month. I seriously have SO MANY BOOKS which I own that I need to read. This challenge/readathon thing will definitely be a good way to tackle that. Iʻll be posting more details about it when the time comes.

9. I had like 11,000 rewards points from my bank which I had no idea about until last week. I had to trade those points in by March 31 or I would lose them. I traded them in for two $50 Barnes & Noble gift cards. Because...#life.

10. Other than that, though, I am on a serious book buying ban until I make a healthy dent in the books I already own. Iʻm also not allowed to go to the library until April at least. Of course, websites like and make it really, really hard to lay off the books....donʻt even get me started on Barnes & Noble.

11. We are currently looking in to cloth diapering options and I would LOVE any opinions, Mamas, if youʻve got any! Weʻre a little nervous because, at first glance, it all seems soooo expensive but we know itʻll be worth it in the long run. I will gladly take any and all suggestions/ long as youʻre nice about it :D

12. I have been seriously, seriously craving a Disney World trip. We were even planning one for the fall, but with all the other plans that we have in our immediate future, I think itʻs best we keep that trip on the back burner for now. We are definitely lucky that we have Aulani right down the road from us, but I still miss my Main Street home away from home.

What bookish or not-so-bookish things are on your mind this week? For more Bookish/Non-Bookish thoughts & fun, check out Bookishly Boisterous and link up with us--we donʻt bite!