Thursday, March 3, 2016

Bookish & Not-So-Bookish Thoughts

1. Sick Update: has a slight ear infection. I took her to the doctor last Friday even though she was showing signs of feeling better and it turns out that she had a slight build up of mucus behind her ears. If she was a bit older, the doctor would have let her body fight off the infection by itself but to give her (and us) some relief a little quicker, she was given Amoxicillin. 

2. Ear infections run in my family, unfortunately, so Iʻm now preparing for a lifetime of ear infections in the kid. A bunch of family members had tubes in their ears as children to help with ear infections. And even in adulthood, I get diagnosed with ear infections every so often. Ear infections are no fun...I feel for my kid!

3. A slight ear infection is not stopping my kid, though! She is having a blast pulling herself to stand at any chance she gets. This week, I even caught her trying to escape her swimming pool. Was it cute? Of course. Am I ready for escaping yet? Not in the slightest.

Basically Josh in a nutshell.

4. We are huge nerds in our house. Joshʻs fandom of choice is Pokemon (and I like Pokemon, too...just not as much as him, haha). Since weʻre celebrating Pokemon being around 20 years in 2016, we have been on Pokemon overload lately! Most recently, Game Freak announced that the new game being released this year will be called Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. Weʻre both super excited! Thereʻs even speculation that the game will be inspired by Hawaii which would be so cool! Game Freak also released Pokemon Blue, Red, and Yellow on the 3DS and 2DS. 

5.  I am currently reading Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys. I started reading it last week and Iʻm still not even close to done! Itʻs such a deep and heavy book that I can only read a few pages at a time before I get overwhelmed (also because the baby needs my thereʻs that).

6. I recently downloaded Audible because Iʻve got a free 3-month trial with my Amazon Prime subscription. Iʻm not really one for audiobooks, I think itʻs because I am a visual learner rather than an auditory learner and itʻs much easier for me to retain and understand information when Iʻm looking at it. But hey, I get 3 free audiobooks so I may as well give it a try, right? Do you listen to audiobooks? If so, what books would you recommend that I try out?

7. We had a blast reading through some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books today to celebrate Dr. Seussʻ birthday and Read Across America Day! We also ate cake...well, I did...because itʻs not a birthday party without cake, right?

8. How about a little throwback Thursday? One of my high school BFFs was recently looking for pictures of us from our sophomore year and that sparked a fun little look down memory lane. Iʻm ending this post with a (probably embarrassing) throwback picture from high school! Ah were good to me. Haha

This was definitely taken on a disposable camera. Remember when you actually had to carry a CAMERA around when you wanted to take pics? What kind of dinosaur era were we living in? lol

Iʻm linking up with Bookishly Boisterous today to talk bookish and non-bookish stuff. Head on over to join the conversation!


  1. Ooh, high school photos make me cringe (mine, that is!). Yours looks good. Fun.

    I also had lots of earaches as a child, and so did my daughter, who got the tubes, too.

    Then she didn't have them anymore...and neither have I. (Knock wood!).

    Enjoy your week, and here is MY BOOKISH THURSDAY POST

    1. Oh...some of my high school photos are definitely un-postable, haha.

      Earaches are definitely no fun. My little brother had tubes and Iʻm really hoping that my little wonʻt have to get ʻem.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  2. I totally cannot do audiobooks for the exact same reasons you listed. I don't retain anything and my mind quickly wanders off from listening!

    1. Iʻm glad Iʻm not alone! Iʻm going to try something short and light...hopefully that will work!

  3. I'm not a fan of audiobooks. I am absolutely terrible at retaining anything I've heard. I am definitely a visual learner. One of the many reasons why I am going to college online. :-D Hope you guys feel better soon! Earaches are not fun.

    1. Same! I went to school online for the same reason...I couldnʻt sit through long lectures!

      Thank you for your well wishes and thank you for stopping by!

  4. Hehe good ol' days carrying filmed cameras ;)

    Sorry to hear that your kid has an ear infection--hope she gets better soon! I totally hear you; I also had ear infections when I was small and they were not fun, freaked my parents out immensely.

    I wish I was into audiobooks a lot more but to date I've only listened to a few Shakespeare plays (via LibriVox) and Richard Armitage reciting love poetry, haha. I should try it out again one of these days :)

    - Lianne @

  5. I've had Salt to the Sea in my bag for... at least a week now, and I haven't started it! It just sounds kind of heavy, and I'm gravitating toward lighter stuff right now. Are you enjoying it, at least?

  6. I just took my little guy into the doc yesterday and he has ear infections too. I had tubes put in twice as a kid and I was worried last spring when Sawyer had his first one. But, this is the only one since then, so you never know! Fingers crossed she didn't inherit that tendency.
