Aaaaand thatʻs a wrap! That Love for Books Readathon is officially over. I need to thank Jessi over at Novel Heartbeat again for hosting this readathon! Now that Iʻve got my first one under my belt, itʻs time to participate in more!
I gotta be TBR goals were a little lofty. I had 6 books on my TBR but only completed 3, which is still good, in my opinion, but I could have done better. Ah well...we had a few unexpected guests this week so it was #worthit. Anyway...letʻs see how I did...
1. Read for at least 30/day. [check! I got a lot of reading time in, especially while putting the kid to sleep]
2. Involve Honey in the readathon [Check! If I wasnʻt reading to her out loud from whatever I was reading, we were in her library reading her books.]
3. Connect with fellow bloggers via twitter, blog comments, and following new blogs [Semi-check. I didnʻt get to post on twitter as much as I wanted to, but I did find lots of new blogs to follow and I tried to participate in the challenges as well!]
Reading Log
Monday, February 8
Books Read: Immaculate-Katelyn Detweiler, Nil Unlocked-Lynne Matson
Pages/Time Spent Reading: About an hour and a half in all...canʻt remember how many pages.
Comments: Finished Immaculate this morning and started on Nil Unlocked!
Tuesday, February 9
Books Read: Nil Unlocked-Lynne Matson, Stars Above-Marissa Meyer
Pages/Time Spent Reading: 60 minutes
Comments: My BFF came to visit so I didnʻt have time to read at all...I did get some reading in at the end of the day, but thatʻs about it.
Wednesday, February 10
Books Read: Nil Unlocked-Lynne Matson, Stars Above-Marissa Meyer
Pages/Time Spent Reading: ~60-70 pages of Nil Unlocked (About 1.5 hours in all)
Comments: Today was a busy day and we were on the road a lot so I didnʻt get to read much...I wish that I could read in cars without getting carsick. Made a bit of a dent in Nil Unlocked.
Thursday, February 11
Books Read: Nil Unlocked-Lynne Matson, Stars Above-Marissa Meyer
Pages/Time Spent Reading: 2 hours, roughly 100 pages
Comments: Finished up Nil Unlocked today! It was sooo good...I need the next book like ASAP
Friday, February 12
Books Read: Landry Park-Bethany Hagen, Stars Above-Marissa Meyer
Pages/Time Spent Reading: 60 pages in Landry Park, 30 pages in Stars Above
Comments: I got to spend a little more time reading today, yay! But it was back on solo mommy duty so...yep. Finally got to start Landry Park. Iʻm actually re-reading this so that I can read the sequel soon.
Saturday, February 13
Books Read: Landry Park-Bethany Hagen, Stars Above-Marissa Meyer
Pages/Time Spent Reading: 10 pages of Landry Park, 1 story in Stars Above
Comments: Today was a busy day and I seriously slacked on the whole reading thing. Did get some reading in with the baby, but thatʻs about it.
Comments: Today was a busy day and I seriously slacked on the whole reading thing. Did get some reading in with the baby, but thatʻs about it.
Sunday, February 14
Books Read: Stars Above-Marissa Meyer
Pages/Time Spent Reading: Finished the last 30% of my ebook!
Comments: I finally finished Stars Above! Iʻve been reading about 1 short story a day for the week but Iʻm glad Iʻm finally finished! I am sad to see it end, though...I need more Captain Thorne in my life please and thank you.
What we can get from this is that I am the worst at keeping track of how many pages that I read. Plus, when I read on my Nook, it never gives me an accurate page count so I have a hard time keeping track. I am glad that I read 50% at least of what I wanted to read and Iʻm even more happy that I completed my goal of reading for at least a half an hour every day. I canʻt wait for the next readathon!
If you participated in the Love for Books Readathon, did you achieve your goals and conquer your TBR list?